Monday, April 18, 2011

It's Monday! What are you reading? (15 of 2011)

April 18, 2011 to April 24, 2011
It’s Monday! What Are You Reading, is hosted by One Persons Journey Through a World of Books
Happy Holy Week! We are approaching Easter and although I wish I could say I'll be reading a lot this weekend, I feel it will be spent with family, drinking wine, eating great food and attending Mass.
We have a long drive ahead of us this weekend so I'm hoping Frenchie will drive and let me read.
One of the downsides of both being readers is wanting to both read at the same time.

What I Finished
Safe by Aviva Bel'Harold
Review Here
Safe: a novel
picture from
If I Stay by Gayle Forman
If I Stay

What I Am Reading
The Wise Man's Fear (Kingkiller Chronicles, Day 2)
I just started this book this morning on my commute. I almost missed my stop to get off. It's that good.
If you have not read the first one, The Name of the Wind , get thee to a book store now and buy it!
The tale these books weave is unimaginable. I lost myself for days reading the first one and I fear I will be out of commision while I finish the second one. Sadly, I'll have to wait until the third comes out to satisfy the ache these books create.
Patrick Rothfuss is an amazing debut author. He writes so well, and has such an imagination.
I gave Frenchie the first book and he asked me to pre-order the second one before he was even done.
I didn't get my hands on the second one until Frenchie finished it! 
What I'm Listening to
Bed of Roses by Nora Roberts
Bed of Roses (Bride (Nora Roberts) Series)
I want to throw my iPod on to listen to the rest of this book.
I will definitley finish this one up today!

What's Up Next
I fear it will be a while before I have a next book. Wise Man's Fear is a big one and I intend to read it on it's own.
Once I'm finished Bed of Roses I'll move onto Savour the Moment since it is next in the series. I love having something to listen to.
Savor the Moment (The Bride Quartet, Book 3)



  1. Your books all look so intriguing. I keep seeing If I Stay, yet I know little about it, so I shall look into it. Happy reading and have a wonderful week. My Monday:

  2. I keep meaning to read more of Nora Roberts!

    This looks like a great selection of books,

    Happy reading

  3. I loved If I Stay too, can't wait to read Where She Went. :)

  4. I'm glad that you enjoyed If I Stay... it's on my wishlist!


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