Saturday, December 18, 2010

Day 18 – Something you regret

There are so many things we regret in this life of ours. Some things are big, some are small. Some are meaningless to everyone but us; some affect those around us in a profound way.

I regret not saying I love you enough to my grandparents and not visiting with them enough before they died.
I regret not being at my Aunts funeral last year because I was out of the country. I really regret not seeing her before she passed.
I regret not keeping in better touch with friends and ultimately losing them. This is always an on-going regret since friends enter and exit our lives so frequently.


  1. Awwwww... I think I share some of the same regrets as you do. I've had a lot of family and friends die in the last 5 years from cancer and I really wish I had spent more time with them. I regret not keeping in contact with a lot of my friends when I moved away, now I've lost contact. What can we do now? Perhaps try harder to spend time with the people still left and try and stay in contact with my current friends? That's what I'm trying to do. It sucks being so introverted sometimes. Are you introverted too? By the way, I like your blog. :)

  2. Learning from our regrets is hard, but necessary in order to improve ourselves.
    I'm a little introverted depending on the people I'm around. At home wth family, definitely the loud one. Out with friends I'm comfortable with, loud outgoing one. Strangers or new people? Quiet and reserved.
    thanks for visiting! I hope you follow :)


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