Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Therapy Tuesday: Off the Pole

I've started going to therapy to try and reduce my stress levels. I've gone before a number of years ago to help me get through a rough time in my life, so I know it works.
I went for one meeting over a month ago, and I felt peaceful afterwards. It didn't last long. the day continued and I felt overwhelmed, and everything went back to "normal".
I had some homework assignments from Session 1.
  • Complete an autobiography - This was very humbling and brought up a lot of memories, some that I had forgetten, some that I wish I had. I loved this assignment.
  • Start going through a CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) workbook for anxiety
  • Track my moods and what triggers any changes
After Session 2, we've thrown out two and three on that list. I over analyze things and dwell on things too much. We are taking a different approach now. Reduce stress not by attacking it's source, but by doing positive things to combat it. So instead of thinking of how "cruddy thing 1 and 2" made me anxious, I should think of how "happy thing 1 and 2" made me feel and why. I need to concentrate on amping up doing the things I love and make me happy. I have also been recommended to go to a group therapy class for anxiety. My stress/anxiety has caused me to lose about 15 lbs and I'm not boardering on an unhealthy weight. Finding like-people would be beneficial. I feel alone in this battle a lot of the time, even with the support of family and friends.

I have new homework assignments:
  • Increase doing things I love - I will pole more than just once this week. I will sit and read my book.
  • Take walks and get some fresh air. The exercise will help. I can certainly do this and at the same time train Beta! Two birds with one stone.
  • Focus on telling myself I'm beautiful, not too thin, and it doesn't matter what people say.
  • Learn that "it doesn't matter"
I think I can manage to do two of those with no problem. The second two will take some work, and time.


  1. If you want to follow my journey through the psych world, http://dogwithjob.blogspot.com/
    Hope all is going well on this front, and remember, you're not alone with these kind of issues.

    (SerriaDame on Pole Junkies)

  2. Serria! Hello fellow PJ!
    I will absolutely follow your blog.
    I hope you find the right dog. They are a life partner, and you're is very important.

  3. Good luck with everything! I know you're strong enough to lead the life you want to.

  4. There is a difference between living the life you want, and the life you are living. I haven't really figured out what I want yet.


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