Monday, February 15, 2010

11/25: Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins

Catching Fire (The Second Book of the Hunger Games)"Catching Fire" is the second Hunger Games novel. It picks up about 9 months after the first one and is the same whirl wind excitment as the first. I refuse to give spoilers for this series, so this review will be short and sweet.
The characters are wonderful and I could relate to them. The new characters pulled me in, and the old characters surprised me and made me fall more in love with them all. The story was incredible and took a turn I did not expect. "Catching Fire" was a wonderful second book that set up a whole third story to take place.

If you have not read the Hunger Games, I suggest reading it asap and buying the second one at the same time. But remember, the third book doesn't come out until August 2010!


  1. Loved this book! I do not know how I am supposed to wait until August!

  2. I can't wait either.
    My fiance was wanting me to finish Catching Fire so he didn't let anything slip. heehee. Now we can talk all about it unitl August.
    I'm just excited they announced the cover already.


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