Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Pole for massage!

Pole class was fantastic last night. I feel bruised and battered this morning which is such a great feeling knowing where it comes from. Pole dancers are a rare breed that will try something over and over again even if it causes excruciating pain, because it's cool and looks pretty. I do believe we all have a small bit of crazy in us.

I went prepared to work on my extended butterfly last night, and ended up learning how to do a shoulder mount. Wow is that painful! To start it hurt and I was being stubborn. I have very tight shoulders to begin with, so putting bodyweight on that portion of my body against a round piece of metal was more than I wanted to handle. After attempting the mount several times, I realized that the move was actually loosening my muscles and I was able to do more. It was like a very deep tissue massage on one part of my body.

Of course to even things out I had to try both sides equally. I now have somewhat relaxed shoulder muscles that hurt to touch because the skin is somewhat raw. I've iced, heated and will ice again.  I can already see a bruise forming on my dominant side.

Even though I'm sore, I'm excited to have something new, but still know I have to perfect (or at least try to) the other moves I still have yet to get consistently.


  1. Meh, pole dancers are no different from anyone else with a passion, though I am proud of all your accomplishments.

    I'm taking pole dance break, but I probably will purchase a level and a stud finder so I have less excuses! I need to see if Art of Pole Dvds will work in my sister's dvd player.

    As for shoulder release my yoga for lazy people class "joints and glands" is kicking my butt; however, they have helped loosen my shoulders.


  2. Awesome you found something to loosen the shoulders. That's my biggest source of tightness.


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